Germany: sharing transformation in the country of automobile industry

Germany is known for its automobile industry. According to statistics, as a large European automobile production country, the total sales volume of German automobile related industries reached 385 billion euros in 2014, accounting for 14% of Germany's GDP. Under the wave of sharing economy, Germany, the country of automobile, is also transforming to automobile sharing, which cannot be separated from the strong promotion of automobile manufacturers.

German people are keen on car sharing

According to the statistics of bitkom, the German Association of information industry, telecommunications and new media, 1 / 2 of the total population in Germany are interested in "car sharing", and 2 / 3 of them are under 30 years old. According to the statistics of BCS website, the number of car sharing users in Germany has grown steadily, from 1.04 million in 2015 to 1.26 million in 2016. The number of cities and towns covered by automobile sharing service points also increased steadily, from 490 in 2015 to 537 in 2016.

German automobile manufacturers are transforming to automobile sharing

Daimler took the lead in launching the "innovative urban green travel scheme" of car2go in 2009. By December 2015, car2go had 1.1 million members, becoming the largest car sharing project in the world.

BMW released the drive now car sharing scheme in April 2011. By 2015, it has been implemented in 7 cities, including Berlin and London, with more than 240000 users, becoming the car sharing project of automobile enterprises next to car2go.

Volkswagen launched the quicar sharing service project in November 2011 in Hanover, Germany, initially setting up 50 service outlets, later increased to 100.

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