2019 top 10 global sharing economic news

On January 16, 2020, sponsored by China Federation of Commerce and China Association for the Promotion of Industrial Development, sponsored by Tianjiu sharing group and supported by global alliance for shared economy (glase), Institute of Industrial Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University Press, Tsinghua University School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Business School of Renmin University of China, School of Management of Xi'an Jiaotong University, etc The Beijing Summit of Global Forum on shared economy was held in Beijing National Convention Center.

At the conference, Jos é Maria Figueres, executive chairman of the Global Sharing Economy Alliance and former president of Costa Rica, announced the "2019 top ten global sharing economy news" jointly selected by the global sharing economy research institute and the domestic authoritative media business school, which attracted wide attention and heated discussion from politicians, businesses and academics around the world.

Jos é Maria Figueres, executive chairman of the global shared economy alliance and former president of Costa Rica, announced the "top ten global shared economy news 2019"

The details of the top ten sharing economy news in 2019 are as follows:

Ten. Among the top 10 global companies with market capitalization, 7 are platform companies with shared economic attributes

Introduction: Nikkei Asia review has compiled a list of global companies' market value as of December 20, 2019. Among the top 10 companies on the list, apple, Microsoft, alphabet (Google), Amazon, Facebook, Alibaba and Tencent are 7 platform companies with sharing economic attributes.

Comments: on these platforms, app, software, commodity information, social systems, etc. are shared and used by users all over the world, thus creating enormous economic value. It can be said that a thriving era of sharing economy has emerged.

9、 Share economy pioneer airbnb plans to go public in 2020

Introduction: since its establishment in 2008, airbnb, a pioneer of sharing economy and a global accommodation booking platform, has expanded to 100000 cities in 191 countries around the world, with a global number of tenants exceeding 500 million. As of September 15, 2019, landlords have earned more than $80 billion through the airbnb platform. Airbnb announced that the platform has been profitable for two consecutive years and is expected to go public in 2020.

Comments: airbnb is to use the sharing economy to improve and upgrade the traditional industries, and use the Internet to allocate point-to-point idle resources, so as to realize the efficient use of social resources. It can be seen that the more asymmetric the industry is, the more likely it is to have a sharing economy.

8、 Heal and medicast compete for hegemony and share the initial achievements of medical treatment in New York

Introduce: the patient of New York City already can enjoy the on-demand service that numerous doctors provide through appointment platform. The new generation of mobile Internet companies, such as heal and medicast, which provide such services, are favored by the industry. They are likely to become the next Internet giants like Amazon and Uber, which can change people's daily life style.

Comment: at present, the shared medical treatment only converts the idle time of doctors into value. In fact, this is just the tip of the iceberg of shared resources.

7、 The publication of "the age of great sharing" has aroused heated discussion, with many countries competing for translation and drawing the theoretical system of great sharing economy

Introduction: the English version of "the age of great sharing" has been published, which has aroused extensive discussion all over the world. It is reported that its Chinese version is also about to appear, and Spanish, Portuguese and other multi-national versions are in intense preparation for translation.

Comments: the era of great sharing is the foundation work of the theory of great sharing economy. Under the theory of generalized sharing economy, the new great sharing economy will bring double promotion of resources and efficiency to the world.

6、 Uber founder is out of the game completely, rival LYFT promotes the shared E-bike business in San Francisco

Introduce: Travis kalanick, 43 years old, finally sold Uber's last stock and bid farewell to the company he built himself. Just two days after he announced his exit, Uber's competitor LYFT announced that it would launch a shared E-bike business in San Francisco, with plans to launch 4000 e-bikes by the end of April 2020.

Comments: Uber is the ancestor of the sharing taxi platform, subverting the global travel industry, and also motivating later competitors. Survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, sharing economy is no exception.

5、 Global sharing economy alliance (glase) was established to help the sharing economy

Introduction: in Vienna, the capital of Austria, under the joint initiative of former presidents, prime ministers from 26 countries, 250 politicians, businessmen and elites from all walks of life, the global shared economy alliance (glase) was officially established to connect the global chamber of Commerce and enterprises, relying on the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence, to provide enterprises with optimized allocation and three-dimensional empowerment of resources, funds, talents and other aspects, Provide one-stop partner service for enterprises to expand global market.

Comments: many years later, people will remember 2019 because of the establishment of the global shared economy alliance. In this year, the strategic vision of "double halving" devoted to halving the global consumption of new resources and people's working hours was officially born, and the advent of the era of great shared economy entered the countdown.

4、 The sharing economy has been written into the report of the Chinese government for three consecutive years, which has been repeatedly mentioned by state leaders

Introduction: in the government work report of the second session of the 13th National People's Congress issued in March 2019, Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to inclusive and prudent supervision, support the development of new industries and new models, and promote the healthy growth of platform economy and sharing economy. This has been the sharing economy written into the government work report for three consecutive years.

In this year's second China International Import Expo and the sixth World Internet

Comments: according to statistics, 68% of the computer processing capacity is not used reasonably every day. If these idle resources are fully shared, it will not only greatly improve the efficiency of computer processing, but also promote the rapid development of artificial intelligence, big data analysis, blockchain and other cutting-edge technologies.

1、 The National Information Center issued the annual report on the development of China's sharing economy (2019). The number of participants in the "sharing economy" reached 760 million!

Introduction: according to the report, the transaction volume of the sharing economy market in 2018 was 2942 billion yuan, an increase of 41.6% over the previous year; the number of participants in the sharing economy was about 760 million, including 75 million people providing services, an increase of 7.1% over the previous year. In the next three years, China's sharing economy will maintain an average annual growth rate of more than 30%.

Comments: the sharing economy has entered a period of rapid growth and is reshaping people's living habits and the world economic landscape.

Through the "2019 top ten global shared economy news", we can see that the development of global shared economy in 2019 presents a radiation trend with China and the United States as the core. From the perspective of industry, the fields of sharing travel and accommodation have been relatively mature and are transiting to the income period. The sharing mode of other fields is still in the early stage of outbreak. On the whole, the sharing economy is stable, positive and promising in the future.

It is particularly noteworthy that the establishment of the global shared economy alliance (glase) and the proposal of the strategic vision of "double halving" committed to halving the global consumption of new resources and people's working hours have pointed out the value direction for the development of the sharing economy to a certain extent, and the great sharing economy of CO creation, co construction and win-win may soon play the main theme of this era.

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