The mode of sharing economy

haring is a new economic model. Billions of people are not only producers but also consumers. They share energy, information and physical objects on the Internet. Ownership is replaced by right of use, exchange value is replaced by shared value, and human beings enter a new era of shared economy. 

Roland Berger, the world's top strategic management consulting company, issued a report on the sharing economy at the end of 2016, pointing out that by 2018, the scale of the global sharing economy is expected to reach 520 billion US dollars (about 3600 billion RMB). 

Trend chart of global sharing economy industry penetration 

Scale of global sharing economy and list of Unicorn Enterprises

Among them, China has formed a US $62.5 billion (about 430 billion yuan) share economy market and maintained a 54% rapid growth. By 2018, China's share economy market is expected to reach US $230 billion (about 1580 billion yuan), accounting for 44% of the global economy from 33%, becoming a leading force. 

According to China's sharing economy development report 2017 released by the sharing economy research center of the National Information Center, the transaction volume of China's sharing economy market in 2016 was about 345.2 billion yuan, an increase of 103% over the previous year. By the end of the 13th five year plan, the share economy will account for more than 10% of China's GDP. 

Market scale of key areas of China's sharing economy in 2016 

What we have done well abroad are: Uber, airbnb, taskrabbit, Zopa, etc. 

In China, sharing car rental, bicycle, car, power bank and basketball Sharing economy is becoming the focus of public attention and the favorite of capital pursuit. 

9 global sharing economy business models. 

They are:

Shared carpooling

Shared space

Shared Finance

Sharing delicious food

Sharing health care

Sharing public resources

Shared knowledge and education

Shared task services 

1、 Sharing travel 

Transportation travel is the field of sharing economy which has the widest influence, the most disputes and the most thorough implementation of the spirit of sharing economy in the world. It mainly includes four types: sharing car rental, sharing driving, sharing bicycle and sharing parking space. 

Based on the huge stock market, the sharing of traffic travel enlivens a large number of idle car resources, driver resources, parking space resources, etc. in the society, while changing people's travel mode, the utilization rate of idle traffic resources is improved exponentially. 

Uber is the Enlightenment of "sharing economy". As the largest taxi company in the world, it has built a platform of sharing economy through mobile application, although there is no car, which breaks the traditional car rental field controlled by taxi or rental company. 

According to Roland Berger, at present, the average idle time of social vehicles in China is about 95%, and a large number of transportation capacity has not been activated. As an area with the most urgent demand and the highest industry maturity, car sharing travel should be the first entry point for the development of sharing economy in China.

Apart from sharing cars, China's bike sharing market is booming. About 15-20 bike sharing brands led by Mobai and ofo have jointly formed the rainbow family. 

Alipay recently announced that ofo, Yongan line, Xiaolan, Hellobike, funbike, and other bike sharing brands (except for the two) have reached an agreement with the ants' gold clothing. From April 29th, users will be able to unlock these brand share bicycles by sweeping through Alipay. 

2、 Spaces 

Space is a ubiquitous resource, but it has clear characteristics, including three product forms: shared accommodation space, shared pet space and shared office space. 

The traditional space owners want to sell or rent to the demanders in high frequency, or the demanders want to understand the real situation of the house, the time cost of the transaction is very high, but the sharing economy of the space breaks the traditional barriers, the supply and demand sides can quickly establish contact and communication, and the information is completely symmetrical. 

After Uber transformed people's travel mode, airbnb also changed people's living space and travel mode. Known as "the eBay in the house" - airbnb, although it doesn't have its own house, it can provide 3 million rooms for travelers in 30000 cities in 192 countries around the world through one website, and all of them are unique homestays. Travel means enjoying life. Choosing home stay or short rent on these short rent platforms is not only cheaper than star hotels, getting along with the landlord, but also experiencing the local customs. 

Compared with these so -  called ancestors, renting houses together seems to be a "sharing" mode chosen by the vast majority of people at present.Through the sharing of house resources, we can share the cost of living equally. On the basis of ensuring private privacy, we can also share friendship, network resources and knowledge between them. Especially in the first tier cities of Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, under the pressure of high housing prices, sharing houses has become the best choice for people who have just graduated or even worked for several years.

At the same time, unlike Airbnb's personal housing sharing, Wework has ushered in changes in people's working space. By renting the floor in some areas where the rent is relatively cheap, and carrying out the secondary design, the floor is designed as a fashionable, customizable office space with complete social functions, which breaks the original habit of renting the whole office and rents the work station on demand. The sharing of this office space leads the trend of sharing economy again because of its high efficiency, low cost and convenience. SOHO 3q and Youke factories in China have created mass innovation space by imitating Wework model, and also given more resources in capital and policy to start-ups.

Through the Internet platform, the financial sharing economy quickly and efficiently searches and matches the supply and demand side of funds, speeds up the turnover speed of funds, maximizes the use value of funds, and enables more people to enjoy financial services.

In the fields of investment, financing and payment, the sharing finance is just beginning, and it is still dominated by new financial institutions, while the majority of traditional institutions have not kept up with it. But it is certain that this trend has taken shape and will blow out faster than most people expected. Some people predict that by 2020, the shared finance will develop a rich ecosystem, subdivide huge business, and the total scale will reach trillions of yuan; some people boldly predict that one day, a large part of the bank will disappear, as a professional finance itself will disappear, and the finance will be attached to various business activities at any time, solve financial problems at any time and play financial functions. 

4、 Sharing delicious food OpenTable

OpenTable was founded in 1998 as a public company. Consumers can view nearby restaurants, recipes and reviews through their apps, and reserve seats, while OpenTable generates revenue by charging restaurants a certain fee.

In China, since 2014, application software such as love chef, good cook and cook have been online one after another.

"Go home to eat" uses the cooking ability of middle-aged people in the community to share family chefs, and delivers dishes to the office in the form of takeout. Similar to the neighborhood "group meal" mode, it is cheaper, richer and safer than the restaurant.

Through these third-party platforms, good chefs can give full play to their own strengths, provide high-quality food for others in their spare time, and at the same time, they can also earn income. Sharing their spare time and talent with others creates unexpected value. 

In China, it is still difficult to line up for registration. Far away from the ocean, patients in New York City can enjoy the on-demand services provided by many doctors through the appointment platform. The new generation of mobile Internet companies, such as heal, pager, and medicast, which provide such services, are favored by the industry. They are likely to become the next Internet giant like Amazon and Uber, which can change people's daily life style. 

On the pager platform, patients can book doctors through mobile applications as long as they need. The company will select one of the contracted doctors to reach a 1-to-1 connection with the patients, and provide on-site services within 2 hours. 

These are significant for patients who don't have time to queue in the doctor's office. They can save time and energy and enjoy customized medical services. For doctors, they can also earn some extra income. 

Another sharing mode is to share and use the fitness venues and fitness coaches, such as classpass, which adopts the mode of "whole in and out", and connects the fitness clubs in New York City through resource integration. 

6、 Sharing public resources 

The main business of SolarCity company acquired by musk is to purchase idle solar photovoltaic system, then lease it to users and provide peripheral services such as installation, etc. through the added value of peripheral services, the product price will be raised and the price difference will be earned from users. 

The goal of open garden is to build a network where everyone can share WiFi. After the installation of mobile phones, tablets and other devices, each device becomes a WiFi hotspot. At the same time, they connect with each other to form a huge WiFi network. Later, it launched the application firechat, which can send messages without network. 公

The sharing of public resources makes many scattered users and data become available resources in an instant, and at the same time, it will not cause the surplus of resources and make the distribution of resources more even. 

7、 Shared knowledge and education 

Foreign Ted and domestic Netease open courses are typical knowledge sharing platforms. 

China's shell has launched a knowledge sharing product, expert at line and answer, which leads knowledge sharing from online to offline. Everyone may be an expert in a field, so that these experts can share their experience and knowledge with others not only online but also offline, which can achieve better results. 

For the future of knowledge sharing, Zhihu has always been exploring "knowledge realization", "content payment" and other aspects. 

Micro roar, a live broadcast product that has been deeply involved in 2B market, focuses on video live broadcast and enterprise services to help enterprises provide live broadcast of product release, large and small events, etc., which are mainly concentrated in financial, Internet and other high-tech industries, so micro roar's live broadcast has the attribute of knowledge sharing. In addition, micro roar live broadcast is also the incubation platform for knowledge-based anchors, which establishes a dedicated live studio for knowledge-based "netred".

In the process of sharing, let the knowledge existing in everyone's brain play a greater value, and through the way of the Internet, break the limit of space. This kind of knowledge sharing can reach people in every corner of the earth, and help them improve their education level and literacy. In addition to its value to the individual, this way has a very far-reaching significance for the development of the whole world. 

8、 Shared task services 

Help others with tasks or services. People publish work content on the website, and then others can receive tasks and get corresponding rewards after completing tasks. Taskrabbit in the United States and Witkey in China are all such enterprises. 

From the point of view of the release Tasker, the cost is low and the solution speed is fast, while the person who accepts the task can make some extra money. In this mode, the company will be lighter and more flat.

In addition, under the sharing economy, the express industry can make full use of the people who have free time in the whole society, so it is better than the traditional express industry in terms of personnel issues, and the way of finding the nearest people based on geographical location also saves the time of express. 

9、 Shared items 

With the development of the mobile Internet, the business model of sharing goods presents more diversified forms besides the sharing of goods, books and clothes. 

Under the mode of sharing goods, the cost of supply and demand is reduced, and the efficiency of resource docking and allocation is greatly improved. This is not only reflected in the cost of money, but also in the cost of time. 

In China, the sharing economy is on fire - sharing the power bank. The headline of the report of financial circles is well summed up: nearly 300 million yuan has been raised in 10 days, 20 institutions including IDG, Tencent, Zhu Xiaohu and Wang Gang have entered the Bureau. After Jumei and chenou invested 300 million yuan in Jiedian technology and became the chairman of the board, Wang Sicong said, "if the shared charging treasure can be made, I will get it!" 

These are the nine sharing economic models that attract the most gold in the world, and the next trillion level market. 

Go back to the beginning of the article. Rifkin does not deny that there will be obstacles to the sharing economy, and for a long time, the obstacles and development will exist at the same time, everyone will run in with each other, and suddenly one day, you will gradually see that it does not exist. 

His vision for our future social life is as follows: hundreds of millions of people will produce their own green energy at home, office and factory, and share it with you on the "energy Internet". Just like we publish and share information on the Internet. And energy democratization will fundamentally reshape relationships, which will affect how we do business, how we manage society, how we educate our children and how we live. 


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