Global development of sharing economy

The trend of sharing economy has swept the world. It has made great progress not only in America, Europe, Asia and Oceania, but also in Africa. According to the development of sharing economy market in major countries in the world, it is found that the development trend of sharing economy has been quietly graded, forming three world distribution, 19 typical countries:

The United States is the leader in the global sharing economy, with more than 400 enterprises and a financing scale of nearly 20 billion US dollars. It is not only the paradise for entrepreneurs of sharing economy, but also the birth of Unicorn enterprises of sharing economy in many industries.

The European Union sharing economic leaders represented by the UK, France, Germany and Spain, the four small dragon countries represented by China, India, Singapore and Israel, and Canada and Australia, the representatives of North America and Australia, constitute the mainstay of global sharing economic development.

The European Union is represented by the Netherlands, Italy and Sweden, Asia by Japan, South Korea and Russia, and Latin America by Brazil and Mexico, forming eight future stars of sharing economy. The development momentum cannot be underestimated.

Looking at the typical countries of global sharing economy, we can find two core drivers behind the development of sharing economy:

The visible hand of the government, from the organization, resources, publicity and funding and other aspects to encourage development, so that it quickly into the right track.

The invisible hand of the market, including various factors such as the scale potential of Internet users, the dividend of the economic cycle, and the influx of venture capital, will jointly ignite and share the momentum of economic development.

By judging the development trend of overseas sharing economy, looking for the coordinate of China's sharing economy, and studying the policy trend behind the development of sharing economy in various countries, it has certain enlightenment significance for the healthy and rapid development of China's sharing economy

Explore sharing economy in expectation, and how the government can provide support in publicity, management, resource provision, etc.

Bridge the digital divide, improve the introduction of capital, and connect more potential groups and create more social and economic value through sharing economy in the period of economic transformation.

Three worlds

The sharing economy has swept the world, and the representative enterprise airbnb has provided services in more than 190 countries, and Uber has provided services in more than 60 countries. There are only 200 countries in the world.

Based on the comprehensive analysis of the number of representative enterprises of overseas countries' sharing economy and the financing situation of overseas countries' sharing economy, 18 representative countries with relatively large scale of overseas sharing economy development are selected.

Based on the comprehensive statistics of the development of the United States, the overseas representative countries can be divided into three worlds according to the development level of the sharing economy.

1. The first World: the United States: the eye of global sharing economic storm

As the birthplace of the sharing economy, the United States is in an absolute leading position in the world in terms of both the number of enterprises and the scale of financing, occupying the first world in the development of the global sharing economy.

Sharing economic financing scale on behalf of countries around the world

In addition to the number of start-ups ranking first in the world, the United States is a paradise for sharing economic entrepreneurs, which is also reflected in urban concentration. San Francisco and New York City in the United States are the most sharing economy start-ups in the world, accumulating more than the sum of London, Beijing and Shanghai and Paris. In addition to top 2 San Francisco and New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Austin, Chicago, Seattle, Santa Monica, Washington, and mountain view are all cities rich in sharing economy enterprises.

With the increase of the number of start-up enterprises, the birth of unicorn is also increasing. In the industries of accommodation, transportation, food, etc., where family spending is relatively concentrated in the United States, most of them are Unicorn enterprises with sharing economy.

In addition to the large-scale Unicorn enterprises of sharing economy, the United States is also the wind vane of sharing economy trend, leading the trend of sharing economy trend. Personal sharing of C2C has penetrated into agriculture, energy and other fields, and B2B sharing is in full swing.

Second World: Top 10 countries

The second world of global shared economic development consists of 10 countries, including Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Canada, China, India, Singapore, Israel and Australia. These countries are located in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. From the perspective of the overall development level of the second world, France, Spain and Germany, represented by the United Kingdom, have risen. The development potential of the four Asian sharing economies, which are composed of China, India, Singapore and Israel, cannot be underestimated. The sharing economies of North America, Canada, Australia and Australia are in a rapid development period.

Britain: the center of global sharing economy in the future

As early as 2014, the British government announced that it would build the UK into a "global sharing economy center", and launched an independent investigation project to develop a road map and a series of supporting policies to achieve the development goals of the UK's sharing economy.

Matthew Hancock, Secretary of state for commerce and business at the UK Department of Commerce, said: "the sharing economy has great potential, so it is necessary to ensure that the UK is at the forefront and center of the sharing economy and is the birthplace of high-tech start-ups comparable to San Francisco."

Britain has a wide range of economic participation

According to Nesta research, the number of participants in the UK's sharing economy is 16 million, accounting for 25% of the UK's total population. According to UK business data, the number of UK service providers is 1.92 million, accounting for 3% of the total population of the UK. Whether from the perspective of participants or demanders, the sharing economy has a larger development space in the UK.

Britain's sharing economy will become a pillar industry

According to statistics, the UK's share economy reached 2.24 million pounds in 2013, accounting for 1.3% of the UK's GDP. It is estimated that in 2015, it will account for 15% of GDP, and the sharing economy will become the pillar industry of UK economic development in the future. This also reflects the original intention of the British government to attach great importance to the sharing economy.

Britain's sharing economy Unicorn has emerged

The UK's sharing economy is more prominent in the financial sector, followed by unicorns in travel, online employment, second-hand trading and other fields.

Germany: sharing transformation in the country of automobile industry

Germany is known for its automobile industry. According to statistics, as a large European automobile production country, the total sales volume of German automobile related industries reached 385 billion euros in 2014, accounting for 14% of Germany's GDP. Under the wave of sharing economy, Germany, the country of automobile, is also transforming to automobile sharing, which cannot be separated from the strong promotion of automobile manufacturers.

German people are keen on car sharing

According to the statistics of bitkom, the German Association of information industry, telecommunications and new media, 1 / 2 of the total population in Germany are interested in "car sharing", and 2 / 3 of them are under 30 years old. According to the statistics of BCS website, the number of car sharing users in Germany has grown steadily, from 1.04 million in 2015 to 1.26 million in 2016. The number of cities and towns covered by automobile sharing service points also increased steadily, from 490 in 2015 to 537 in 2016.

German automobile manufacturers are transforming to automobile sharing

Daimler took the lead in launching the "innovative urban green travel scheme" of car2go in 2009. By December 2015, car2go had 1.1 million members, becoming the largest car sharing project in the world.

BMW released the drive now car sharing scheme in April 2011. By 2015, it has been implemented in 7 cities, including Berlin and London, with more than 240000 users, becoming the car sharing project of automobile enterprises next to car2go.

Volkswagen launched the quicar sharing service project in November 2011 in Hanover, Germany, initially setting up 50 service outlets, later increased to 100.

France: the birth of local car sharing and second-hand giants

The report of French Ministry of digital economy and industry points out that France is one of the developed countries with global sharing economy. The more prominent local enterprises in France include blablablacar, a unicorn for carpooling, for second-hand trading, ulule in the field of crowdfunding, etc.

Blablablacar becomes a long-distance car sharing giant from France to the world

Blablacar, as a local long-distance car sharing giant in France, currently has 20 million active users, covering 19 countries, including Europe and Asia, and plans to march into emerging markets such as Latin America. With a cumulative financing of 337 million US dollars and a valuation of 1.6 billion US dollars, it is a unicorn enterprise with a shared economy in France. With its globalization process, blablablacar has acquired 8 enterprises since its establishment, including in Germany, autohop in Hungary, etc.

The second-hand trading market in France is hot

Second hand deals are popular among French people, according to a mediaprism poll. 49% of French people said they would buy second-hand goods whenever they had the chance. In the face of unused items at home, 77% of the French said they would like to give it a "second life". The types of second-hand transactions in France cover a wide range. There are second-hand markets for shoes, luxury goods and high-tech products., a typical enterprise, is the second-hand trading website of life classification of top 1 in France. It is second only to eBay Germany and eBay UK in Europe, with four times more page views than eBay France. 96% of the French know about the site and 73% have used it.

India: sharing development dividend of large population countries

India is in full bloom in the field of sharing economy. There are many start-ups of sharing economy in the fields of travel sharing, short-term rent, education sharing, second-hand transaction, task service and so on. Among them, olacab, a sharing travel application, is promoted to Unicorn with a valuation of 5 billion US dollars. Behind India's booming sharing economy is the dividend of India's large population.

 Large number of Internet users in India

Although the Internet penetration rate in India is relatively low (34.8%, the lowest among 19 typical countries), its population base is large (only next to China, with a population of 1.3 billion), and the number of Internet users is nearly 500 million, far surpassing that of the United States, only next to China. The huge number of Internet users provides the basis for the popularization of Internet Applications (including sharing economic applications).

According to KPCB, the size of users in India is one of the world's top Internet giants. For example, India is the second largest user market in the world for Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp and twitter.

 Large population dividend

India is enjoying a huge demographic dividend, with a median age of 25.9 and 65% of the population under the age of 35. The attitude and consumption habits of young people will promote the development of the sharing economy.

High population density

India's urbanization is developing rapidly. According to grabonrent, the proportion of urbanization population in India is 31% in 2011, and it is expected to grow rapidly to 65% in 2025. High density urban population will enhance the matching of supply and demand, and promote the full flow of shared resources.

Israel: Middle East innovation Silicon Valley helps share economy

With an area of more than 20000 square kilometers and a population of more than 8 million, Israel is known as the "innovative Silicon Valley in the Middle East". In this atmosphere of technological innovation, the emerging mode of sharing economy is also developing in full swing.

Typical enterprises of sharing economy in Israel

Israel's scientific and technological innovation ability helps share economic development

Rich entrepreneurial atmosphere - there are 79 NASDAQ listed companies in Israel, ranking second only to the United States in the world. On average, one in 1844 Israelis is an entrepreneur.

Advanced venture capital - according to IVC Research Centre, the total capital of Israel's high-tech industry in 2014 increased by 46% year-on-year, reaching a record high of $3.4 billion, more than double that of 2010.

r & D innovation power - more than 250 multinational technology companies around the world place R & D centers in Israel. On average, there are 140 technicians or engineers in every 10000 employees.

Singapore: sharing economy promotes Garden City Construction

Singapore is recognized as a "garden city country" in the world. The ecological benefits brought by sharing economy can help Singapore's sustainable development strategy. Driven by this concept and supported by the government, the sharing economy of energy conservation and environmental friendliness develops rapidly, such as car sharing and second-hand trading.

Typical enterprises in Singapore's sharing economy

Car sharing in Singapore is particularly prominent

The necessity of car sharing - due to the narrow land area and the shortage of housing and road land, the cost of car maintenance is high, resulting in the per capita car share of only 9%. It is urgent to alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand through sharing.

Car sharing strategy - the Singapore government has unveiled long-term plans for sustainable urban development. According to the blueprint of Singapore's sustainable development in 2015, all the people will work together to become a "less car use, zero pollution" country in 2030.

Canada & Australia: full bloom

In Canada and Australia, people's participation in the sharing economy is generally high. According to the survey of crowd companies, the proportion of people's participation in the sharing economy in Canada has reached 39%, which is higher than that in the United Kingdom and the United States and is at the global leading level. According to the Australian survey, 53% of respondents participated in the sharing economy last year.

In addition to the strong enthusiasm of people to participate in the sharing economy, in Canada and Australia, the start-ups of the sharing economy are in full bloom in many fields.

Typical enterprises of sharing economy in Canada

 The third world: eight countries

The third world of global shared economic development is represented by South Korea, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, the Netherlands, Italy, Sweden and Russia. Compared with the United States and the second world countries, the number of enterprises and financing scale of sharing economy in these eight countries are slightly lower, but compared with the budding state of other countries in the world, the sharing economy of these eight countries has begun to take shape, is in the development stage, and is expected to become a potential country in the field of sharing economy in the future.

South Korea: small in scale, but unlimited in potential

Although the sharing economy scale of South Korea is relatively small compared with the United States and other countries, according to the statistics of the Ministry of industry, commerce and resources of South Korea, as of March 2015, the sharing economy scale of South Korea is in the range of $425-658 million, accounting for less than 0.5% of the GDP of South Korea. However, it is estimated that the share economy will reach US $7.65-11.85 billion in 2025, with great potential for future development.

Representative enterprises of sharing economy in South Korea

The industry development of sharing economy in South Korea is experienced in car sharing, accommodation sharing and second-hand transaction.

Automobile sharing, a local representative enterprise, socar, GreenCar, of which socar is the leading automobile sharing enterprise in South Korea. By August 2015, socar had more than 1 million members and accumulated financing of 18 million US dollars.

Accommodation sharing, kozaza, a local representative enterprise, provides traditional South Korean house featured accommodation to foreign tourists, with a total financing of 500000 US dollars.

Second hand transaction, open close, an online second-hand platform for local representative enterprises.

South Korea shares the power of economic rise

Small family growth - according to the Statistics Department of South Korea, the proportion of one family accounts for 25.6% of the country. The change of family structure leads to the decrease of the demand for "own" property, which provides a development space for the sharing economy based on the concept of "sharing" right of use.

Increase in smartphone penetration - according to a report released by the US market research company (SA), South Korea's smartphone penetration rate reached 83% in 2015, ranking fourth in the world, second only to the United Arab Emirates, Singapore and Saudi Arabia, providing infrastructure for the popularization of sharing economy applications.

The government encourages entrepreneurship - in 2015, the top ten groups in South Korea were the creators of 90% of jobs in Samsung, SK and other societies. In recent years, the government has also launched various policies to encourage entrepreneurship and provide policy conditions for sharing economic entrepreneurship.

Japan: aging society is ready

The aging society is a double-edged sword of sharing economy. On the one hand, according to Nielsen and other research institutions, the acceptance of sharing economy by the elderly is far lower than that of the young, which is a slow and hot group of sharing economy. On the other hand, with the passage of time and the accumulation of wealth, the elderly are rich in physical assets (including houses, cars, money, etc.) and are generally under used, which is bound to be activated through sharing economy. Therefore, the elderly are a large group that can not be ignored in sharing economy. Therefore, the British government points out in the report of sharing economy that the elderly should be popularized online, Reduce barriers to participation in the sharing economy.

Japan is a typical aging society, but with the rapid growth of Japan's tourism industry and the deregulation of Financial Sharing by the government, the acceptance and demand of Japanese people for the sharing economy is also increasing, so the sharing economy is also starting rapidly.

Brazil: sharing economy to save the recession

In recent years, Brazil's economic form is worrying, the political situation is surging, and new growth momentum is urgently needed, which provides opportunities for sharing economic development. At the same time, Brazil has a good information infrastructure, which objectively further helps the development of the sharing economy.

Representative enterprises of Brazil's sharing economy

The scale of Brazil's localized sharing economy enterprises is generally small, while the multinational sharing economy enterprises represented by Uber and airbnb are in full swing.

Uber landed in Brazil in May 2014, and soon made rapid development in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Brasilia, Porto Alegre and other major cities. Airbnb, a short-term rental giant, beat Hotel Urbano, a traditional accommodation provider, and won a contract to provide 20000 rental rooms for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio.

Brazil shares economic development opportunities

Sharing economic development opportunities under "high inflation and negative growth"

Brazil's economy shrank 3.8% in 2015, the worst year since 1981, according to the Brazilian Bureau of statistics. Brazil's consumer price index (IPCA) was 10.67% in 2015, the highest level since 2002, far higher than 6.41% in 2014, twice the government's inflation target of 4.5%. In 2015, a total of 5525 companies in Brazil closed down, the highest level since the 2008 financial crisis. Brazil's unemployment rate hit a six-year high of 7.9% in October last year.

All the above data show that Brazil's domestic economic situation is in a downturn, and new momentum of development is urgently needed to reduce costs for the public and increase income, which brings opportunities for the development of the sharing economy.

The large number of Internet users is a potential group for sharing economy

Brazil has the fourth largest number of Internet users in the world, after China, India and the United States. The high number of Internet users provides a potential basis for sharing economy and using Internet technology to match supply and demand information on a large scale.

Holland and Italy: first to build a world-class sharing City

In the Netherlands and Italy, the government realized the importance of developing the sharing economy, and carried out the construction of sharing economy pilot cities in succession to promote the development of sharing economy.

Amsterdam, the first sharing city in Europe

"Make Amsterdam the first sharing city in Europe, so that everyone has access to products, services and knowledge that make life more exciting, happy and sustainable.". ——ShareNl 

Milan, Italy - sharing the training ground of World Expo

Milan will become the first city in Italy to officially recognize the concept of sharing economy and implement relevant policies, according to the document "sharing City Milan" issued by Milan Municipal Council. We launched the plan of sharing City Expo, taking "sharing economy" as the urban operation mode during the Expo.

Behind the development of overseas sharing economy

The visible hand of the government

As a new business form, sharing economy can not flourish without the support of the government. In overseas countries, the vigorous development of sharing economy has impacted some traditional industries, even caused conflicts in some regions, and there is no final conclusion on how to ensure the rights and interests of consumers and taxes of this emerging industry. However, most overseas countries still have great expectations for sharing economy, and in the expectation, explore the impact of this new model on economic transformation.

Based on the analysis of the above overseas representative countries, we can summarize the sharing economic support policies of overseas governments into the following four aspects:

Organization establishment

Many overseas countries have established industry associations of sharing economy, some of which have government background, some of which are formed spontaneously by enterprises. Through the unified management of industry associations of sharing economy, decentralized sharing economy enterprises form a joint force.


Initiated by UK sharing economy enterprises and led by the UK Ministry of Commerce in 2014, it has now developed into a self regulatory organization with 36 members and cooperative enterprises.

The three major objectives of the work are: publicity and promotion (publicity and sharing of economic benefits, lobbying for legislative bodies), establishment of standards (requiring enterprises to formulate codes of conduct, pay attention to staff training and economic security), and finding solutions (supporting sharing of economic research projects, and summarizing enterprise experience).

2. Korea Sharing Economy Association

In September 2012, Seoul municipal government issued the declaration of "Seoul shared city" and established the "Seoul shared Promotion Committee", which is composed of the legal community, the media, enterprises, non-profit private organizations, scientific research institutions and director level public servants of the economic, social welfare, transportation and innovation sectors.

The main responsibilities are to make suggestions and suggestions for promoting the sharing economy, and to conduct certification and deliberation on the sharing groups and enterprises.

3. European Union for the sharing economy

In September 2013, it was jointly established by EU countries to integrate forces, make a unified voice, and promote the development of sharing economic policies at EU level and member states level.

The European Union for sharing economy designs the massive sharing policy plan, including the following four aspects: mainstream (attach importance to publicity and popularization, improve guidance ability), sustain (formulate reasonable regulations, maintain the primary position), scale up (set up benchmark countries, expand sharing scale), invest (improve sharing investment, start project pilot).

4. Singapore Sharing Economy Association

A business association established on behalf of enterprises in the field of joint sharing economy. The main objectives of the work are: to create a positive and reliable industry environment for members, to help members find opportunities and deal with challenges; to enhance public influence and create a sharing culture; to strengthen community ties and promote sustainable development.

5. Spanish Sharing Economy Association

For the purpose of sharing economy enterprise association, it is established by 26 member enterprises, including international enterprises such as airbnb and local enterprises such as chicfy. The main work is to study the impact of sharing economic activities and manage small and micro enterprises.

In addition to the establishment of industry associations, South Korea has also set up the official website of "Seoul sharing hub" (, which brings together relevant information of sharing enterprises and information of sharing cities. Citizens only need to search for all relevant information, so it is easier to participate in activities.

Open resources

Overseas governments actively embrace the sharing economy, start from their own, innovate the procurement framework, open up government idle resources, and build shared infrastructure. Behind the opening up of various types of resources, the government is determined to embrace the sharing economy.

1. Innovate the procurement framework

The Croydon Council of the UK passed a resolution in 2010 to work with Zipcar to replace the government team with car club members.

In the fall of 2015, British government officials could choose to share accommodation and travel services in the economy when they perform their official duties.

In 2015, HM Revenue and customs developed a digital platform to share idle stationery, office supplies, furniture and it equipment.

Airbnb officially became an official alternative accommodation provider in Rio 2016.

Munirent, a start-up company, is based in Michigan. We are committed to renting equipment between city governments and improving their capabilities.

2. Construction of shared public facilities

There are public libraries, public wardrobes, "gift boxes", public goods cabinets and other "shared street public welfare" activities in the streets of Germany.

Ryan and Paris, France, Manchester, Seoul and the United States have set up an open data project.

The United States, France and other countries have implemented universal measures such as carpooling, car rental, and public bicycle sharing, so as to convey economic, time-saving, environmental protection and other concepts to society.

Universal participation

Overseas governments popularize the concept of sharing economy through various forms of publicity activities, so that people can participate more in the sharing economy. By eliminating the information gap and caring for special groups, we can ensure the consistency of the sharing economy and maximize the coverage of the people participating in the sharing economy.

1. Publicity support

Hold publicity activities:

In September 2012, the mayor of Seoul launched a publicity campaign with the theme of "sharing Seoul". In January 2013, a series of lectures on "Seoul meets the sharing economy" were held. In April 2013, the activity of "shared bookcase" was launched. In August 2013, a sharing Seoul exhibition was held, attracting more than 10000 people to visit. From October to November 2013, Seoul shared economic enterprise characteristic service experience activity was held.

At the same time, the Seoul municipal government also launched a campaign to solicit symbols and slogans from citizens to share the city's Bi and slogans. Sharing Seoul Bi added mathematical symbols ÷ and + to the text of sharing Seoul Bi to convey the idea that sharing can create more convenience. The slogan "ten million kinds of sharing, ten million kinds of happiness" hopes that citizens can improve their quality of life through sharing. Both of them are collected and screened by the public.

Enterprise certification system:

Seoul implements a certification system for sharing groups and enterprises. Certified enterprises will have the right to share the city Bi (brand identity). The government supports such enterprises to carry out publicity activities among citizens and promote their cooperation with relevant departments in Seoul.

Concept of universal education:

The European Union has gradually implanted the concept and principle of sharing economy in primary, secondary, higher, adult and vocational education, so as to enhance the awareness of participating in the sharing economy from the student era.

2. Bridge the gap

Care for special groups:

Portland, US, has drafted new rules that require Uber to provide additional services for vulnerable groups, such as wheelchairs, as part of public services.

Australia encourages sharing economic platforms to provide services for the disabled, such as Uber's assistance in providing car services for the disabled.

Remove information barriers:

The UK's Ministry of Commerce has suggested that the government remove barriers to digital internet access and integrate more people into the sharing economy. The government can cooperate with mobile operators to enhance the publicity.

The EU 2020 strategic plan regards sharing as the integration of the EU's innovation policy, and has launched a direct financing plan to support local high-speed broadband projects and promote the construction of network facilities.

financial support

The government provides tax relief and preferential policies for sharing economic enterprises, and encourages the public to support the development of sharing economy by direct actions through sharing economic enterprise entrepreneurship.

1. Tax relief / preference

Chicago, Boston, Portland and other cities in the United States reduced the tax rate of shared vehicles. Municipal regulations distinguish shared vehicles from traditional car rental.

Most of the car parks in San Francisco are provided at discounted rates by the street municipal parking lot.

The Paris government invested 4 million euros to help polloli operate the shared car.

The UK gives duty-free treatment to short rented houses with an annual rent not exceeding £ 4250.

In 2012, the UK invested £ 200 million to promote the development of P2P platforms.

The Seoul municipal government of South Korea has provided office space, consultation and activity funds and other support to share economic pre entrepreneurs, and has supported a number of groups and enterprises with an amount of more than 470 million won.

2. Invisible hand of the market

The development of sharing economy is not only supported by government policies, but also closely related to the number of Internet users, economic cycle, venture capital and other factors.

The scale of Internet users is the foundation

Sharing economy is the sharing between individuals through the Internet platform, which can participate in the scale of potential Internet users in the sharing economy through the Internet, to a certain extent, reflects the development space of sharing economy in the country.

The penetration rate of Internet users in 19 countries with sharing economy is far higher than the average penetration rate of 48.13% in the world. One of the models is represented by European countries, with a small population base, high Internet penetration and large scale of potential sharing economic participants. Another mode is represented by China and India, with a population base far ahead. Even if the Internet penetration rate is low, the potential sharing economy users are also large. In the future, with the increase of Internet penetration rate, the population advantage will be further highlighted.

Business cycle is the driver

It is found that in the 19 typical countries of the current sharing economy, GDP growth in 16 countries is lower than 3%, while in South Korea (3.3%), India (7.3%) and China (7.3%), although the growth rate remains at a medium high level, it also faces downward pressure on the economy.

In the current global economic downturn, both poor and rich countries need to share the economy to form new growth momentum under the pressure of slowing economic growth.

In countries with high GDP, people are willing to share their idle assets in the economic downturn, have opportunities in leasing and second-hand transactions, and tend to look for part-time subsidies for household use. The countries with low GDP, for example, India, with a large population, have low purchasing power and are more willing to share and purchase second-hand goods. At the same time, the labor cost is low, and they also have advantages in sharing the time surplus.

Capital as booster

The development of the sharing economy is inseparable from the injection of venture capital. There are 26 sharing economy companies with accumulated financing of more than US $100 million in the world. Among them, the financing scale of the United States is the first, reaching US $13.83 billion, which is the first world of sharing economy. The rest are distributed in the second world countries sharing economy, including China, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Israel and France.

It is true that behind the tuyere of high financing and high valuation of sharing economy, sharing economy enterprises need to find a business model to realize cash and make profits, and leverage financing to really enhance the stickiness of users, so as to promote the continuous penetration and prosperity of sharing economy.  

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